This is a lovely thought from Simon Griffiths (and by the way his photos are great!): You have very kindly been in touch with my sister Lucy about Noreen’s death. I am so sorry we won’t be able to join her funeral but did want to express my sincere condolences to you and all her friends and family. As Lucy will have explained, we have both known her all our lives as a life long family friend of our parents and colleague of our father, Paul Griffiths. I have such a lot of great memories of an incredibly intelligent, compassionate, amusing and amazing human being who was passionate about animals and always brought a real spark to any gathering she was part of. The 2 attached photos completely fail to do justice to any of that that as my total lack of photographic organisation means that I am sure we have loads far better than these. However, one, I assume is from an Edinburgh Boat club regatta and the other is from my father’s 70th birthday celebrations in October 2000. I’d be delighted if they joined the others on the brilliant much loved page and I will make a donation too. I will be thinking of her, and all of you during her funeral. I do hope it all goes well. I am sure we all share an MG sportscar full of memories that we will treasure for ever - (I’m sure we even have the photo to prove it but I cannot find it! With very best wishes Simon